
Amateur Radio in Iceland / TF


This page was initially launched during my first stay in Iceland between 1996 and 1999. The intention was to provide a quick link for US Amateurs serving at Naval Air Station Keflavik, with basic and initial information about Amateur Radio activity in Iceland.

Contents was previously updated as national Icelandic regulations changed, but today your best and most updated source for information will be the Icelandic Radio Amateur web page (link updated 16th of March 2024).

The contents below should therefore be regarded as more of historic value, hi.


Please note that an updated Icelandic law no 348 was passed ed on 19 April 2004. This law regulates all Amateur Radio activity in Iceland, and changes was made to the license classes (now only G and N).

  • Iceland Radio Amateurs (IRA) is the national Radio Amateur Association. Use this link to obtain updated information.
  • Callsigns
    Iceland uses TF as prefix and/or TF suffix for visiting Radio Amateurs (tourist and guest or reciprocal license). The country is divided into ten different regions (TFØ thru TF9), where the region number indicates where the station is located. Example: TF8 for the Reykjanes peninsula.
    For holders of a CEPT license (ref CEPT t/r 61-01 ~ max 3 months stay as a tourist, only mobile or portable operation), your callsign will be:
    For holders of an Icelandic guest license (for fixed operation), which you have to apply and pay for through the PTA, your callsign will be:
    If you qualify for a Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC), iaw CEPT t/r 61-02, you may now apply for a regular Icelandic callsign if you are residing in Iceland.
  • Iceland changed the 6m band to 50 – 52 MHz in 1998, as in Region 1. You no longer have to apply for a special 6m (50MHz) permit, as it is now included in all TF license classes (see below for more info).
  • The 70cm band in Iceland is 430 – 440 MHz, while Region 1 has 432 – 438 MHz. National Icelandic regulations apply for the additional 4 MHz of bandwidth (specific details unknown).
  • Remember: National regulations have priority, so if in doubt -, ask!

Additional information

  • Temporary permit to operate on 5 MHz
    Icelandic licensed Radio Amateurs have been granted a temporary permit to operate J3E and A1A on 8 specific frequencies within the 60m band, with secondary status, and max power of 100W.
    This permit was valid from 1 June 2005 through 31 Dec 2007.
  • Packet operation
    The primary frequency to be used for packet is: 144.850 MHz
    By 1 July 97, VHF packet (AX.25) frequencies changed in Region 1, and the new packet band is now 144.800 – 144.990 MHz. Packet users (Nodes, BBS, etc) are required to change to the new band, so be aware of local changes.
  • APRS operation
    The primary frequency to be used for APRS is: 144.800 MHz
    A few APRS digipeaters, including an Internet Gateway, were in operation up to summer of 2006.
  • Repeaters (-600 kHz TX offset on VHF)
    Iceland have a number of active VHF repeaters. Check the IRA Web-page for latest update.
  • Radio Beacons
    Iceland had 4 registered Radio Beacons (in 1998) operating on 6m and 2m, but none of these had been QRV for quite some time. As the allocated band for VHF Beacons changed, active or reactivated beacons will be assigned new frequencies accordingly, ref IARU Region 1 Beacon Coordinator. Check the IRA Web-page for latest status.
    The IARU Region 1 Beacon list is available from this webpage.

TF license classes include 6 meters

6 meters (50-52MHz) is now included in Icelandic license classes as follows:

G18 kHz100 W
N18 kHz25 W

Disclaimer: This info may be outdated, so it is for guidance only. The author holds no responsibility for any errors.

73’s de Hans

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